Sequent Silence, Series of 3 photos, 60 x 90 cm, Chromalux print on Dibond, 2007
Sequent Silence is a series of three photographs depicting a black haired woman’s head from behind in front of a black background. It is like a reversed portrait. In contrast to classic portrait photography, it does not give any impression of the person´s features or character.
The information of hair is reduced to the reflection of light. The light setting changes in each photograph, moving from left to right, highlighting different parts of the hair. The triptych-like set up introduces a time aspect to the series. As in a classic triptych there is a succession of moments in time depicted next to each other. But despite a narrative of time the three images allow the imagination to complete the form of the black haired figure.
Series of 3 photos, 60 x 90 cm, Chromalux print on Dibond, 2007